Thursday, February 17

WIPs on Parade

Now that I've finally gotten my camera (and I can officially stop whining about not having one) I've got pictures! Today I've got my current WIP's. Do forgive me for any bad pictures, I'm still getting used to my new toy.

First off, the BAGS or big ass grey sock I'm making for Jaime.

I took it with a pen so you could get in idea of the size. Crazy huh? Here's one of the heel. I'm very proud of it :)

Kinda hard to see, I know. Silly dark grey yarn. But you sorta get the idea.

Now for the scarves. First is the Squiggle scarf. I LOVE this scarf. Ahhh, pink goodness.

It's nice and slinky-ish which feels great.

And here's the blue 'n' brown stripey scarf. It is taking about forever. Nice and thick though.

It's actually longer than this, but you can see the stitches better here. And the rest looks the same anyway. Don't look at all the tails on the edge, I try not to think about it.

Finally, the Big Wool stripey scarf. It's pretty new but just about the same length as my other two scarves. Which means that I have 3 half scarves. Great huh?

I think those colors are pretty close on that one. It has a bit of a curling problem, but again I'm just not thinking about that right now. I'm doing the garter on the edges thing but they just fold in. I'm hoping some blocking will help. Which means I'll be making my first stab at blocking.

So there you go. I'm sure there'll be lots more pictures soon. My knitting isn't that exciting though.


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