Thursday, August 9

Making Progress

So, no baby yet. But getting closer. Baby J's still doing great. I'm due Monday the 13th and we decided that if nothing happens we'll be inducing Wednesday morning. I'll actually be going in Tuesday night to get things ready and then they'll start the pitocin Wednesday bright and early. We were really hoping that things would happen a little sooner, but I'm really ok with everything.

I've been so focused on how uncomfortable I am, always wondering whether this new sensation meant that I was going into labor. Every day I'd think that maybe this was the day. It was exhausting! So even though it could still happen at any time, I still am relieved to have a scheduled time. I really feel like for the next week I will just be sure and enjoy being pregnant and not worry (too much) about what is coming next.

There's been knitting progress too. I have been working on my Forget-Me-Not socks. I found this sweet pattern on Ravelry and actually decided to cast on after joining the Sockdown there. The idea is to knit a pair of socks based each month based on either the theme or designer of the month. This month the theme is lace and I just decided to jump in. Really didn't need another project, but oh well.


And since finding out that I have another week till hospital time, I have cast on for the second in the pair of Twinkletoes slippers. I knit the first one a while ago thinking that it'd be nice to have something special to wear in the hospital, but then had issues with the second and had to rip. Well now they're moving forward again.


Yeah, I think I might be rebelling against all the blue. But, I'm making progress!


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