Saturday, March 22

When Motivation And Energy Meet

Until a couple weeks ago, I really hadn't knit since my trip (had to go to DC for a work-required class for a week in February).

Fortunately, Junior has slept through the night since about 7 weeks and not long after that he established a pretty regular schedule of going to be between 8 and 9. I generally don't make it to bed till at least 10:30 and sometimes later, so it seems like I'd have plenty of time to get in some knitting or anything else. Except I was tired. I work all day and then come home and play with/take care of Junior so Jaime can have a break. I never even get a chance to eat dinner till the kid is in bed. So mostly I would just sit between his bedtime and mine.

For some reason though, I've been feeling a lot less tired lately. Work has been going well and Junior really enjoys playing with all his toys, so I can maybe even manage some dinner while he's awake.

Add this new energy to my recent motivation, namely the Rockin' Sock Club and suddenly I'm knitting again.

I had started the first sock on my trip but never finished it. Then all of a sudden the next shipment seemed to be sneaking up on me. One glorious Saturday afternoon alone and a few good lunch hours and I've finished sock one and am making good progress on sock two.

Serendipity Sock

I REALLY want to keep up with this club, if I do nothing else knitting related this year. I just received the March club shipment and can't wait to get started. I had finished my Serendipity socks last night and just wanted to take a few pictures. This is how one picture turned out.

Uneven Serendipities

Don't know if you can tell but the bottom sock is a wee bit shorter than the other. Yeah, I sorta forgot half a repeat of the pattern on the second sock. I was just so excited to finish it! So I ripped back and am patiently (haha) working my way towards the finish line again. My new yarn keeps staring at me though...

Hopefully I'll have some finished socks to show you very very soon!


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