Thursday, April 3

Mission: SOCKS!

Of course. As soon as I swore I wouldn't cast on till I finished Serendipity I lost all interest in it. Well, in my defense things got busy (busier than normal that is). So the last sock drug on a bit. But, they're done now and I'm IN LOVE!

Serendipity Socks After A Long Day

They fit perfectly and they even survived a long day at work. I'm definitely a Socks that Rock convert. (For the record, I'm enjoying the mediumweight a bit more than the lightweight used here)

After wearing these socks Tuesday and an older pair of handknit socks Wednesday, I've come to a conclusion. It's a mission really. Life is much too short for poor-fitting socks! Nearly every sock I've knit to this point has been "great but." You know, great but a little loose, great but too short, great but bound off too tightly. Most of the time I knew the problem as soon as I tried the socks on, but decided it wasn't that big of a deal, or I just really wanted to be done with them.

NO MORE!!! These socks took a little more time, I mean it nearly killed me to have to rip back after I thought I was done, but it was so worth it. Now I have a pair of socks I look forward to wearing. From now on, I will not settle.

Serendipity Sock Detail


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