Wednesday, March 23


Yeah, so I'm not so creative with the title today.

Yesterday I got this fun stuff at the yarn store.

So the yarn is all for projects I'm already started, but it's still happy yarn. Yeah, all that worry about what to do with my cloptis, for nothing. I go to the store and practically run to where the yarn was. They have two skeins left, just what I need. I pick it up, and just for kicks I thought I'd check the dye lot. Yeah, the same as the one I bought months ago. Who woulda thunk it? But of course now that I have the yarn I've stopped knitting on clappy for my socks. I don't know what it is about these boring old socks, but they are addictive! I can't stop knitting on them. Here they are so far.

Nothing too special.

Today I had a really busy day. I went to the grocery store to pay the electric bill, and then to the post office. Yeah, I know. How did I manage all that? Just talented I guess hehe. I sent off some yarn to In The Pink Cathi as a trade for her extra copy of Stitch 'N' Bitch. Yes, I'm probably the only knitter anywhere who doesn't already own a copy. But I will soon!

I was inspired by our little trade and thought I'd try to clean out my itsy yarn drawer. Anybody wanna trade with me? I have this fun stuff looking for a good home.

It's really soft. One of those impulse purchases that now I have no idea what to do with it. I could probably be convinced to just give it to someone who could use it. Feel free to email me or leave a comment if you're interested.

Well, tomorrow I'm going back to spend some more time with my mom and to buy some clothes. My jeans are getting old and are springing holes. Maybe I'll remember to felt my Sophie this time.


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