Tuesday, July 19

A Tour And Some FO's

I just couldn't stay away. There's still TONS to do, but I'm not feeling as overwhelmed. Wait till Saturday. Oh, and it's supposed to be 102 degrees on moving day. Woohoo!! I hate heat. We got about 7 boxes packed up this weekend and would have done more but that's all Jaime had stolen from work. Nearly all of my stuff is packed, he's putting everything off. It's sorta making me crazy, but this weekend I'll be relaxing while he's freaking out and packing. Oh well. And while packing I took out my old and not working Palm and decided to give it one more try. Yeah, It works now. I'm completely happy, except that part of me that's pissed I could have been using it the past year.

I've also been a a big finishing kick. I've decided that it'd be easier to transport knitted goods that are finished and in one piece than bags of WIP's. I've finished 3 things in the past few days! Does anyone even remember when the last time I finished anything was?? I'll have to update my sidebar soon. Here are two of the newly finished goodies.

At first I was trying not to start anything, but I'd been wanting to make a washcloth out of this yarn forever. And I figured it would be something quick I could get done. I don't think the color really came through, stupid rainy day, it's a really happy yellow. I may be nuts, but I think this is the most beautiful washcloth ever. I may have a new obsession. I also restarted and finished my Big Wool scarf. I won't be using it for a while, but at least I'm now down to only 2 scarves waiting to be finished, not inclusing clapotis. I'm also trying to finish one of the books I'm reading, and hopefully I can even get Shopper done.

Here's the tour of our current appartment. In case any of the photos are misleading, it's tiny. If it looks roomy, the photos lie. And as always, click to see the bigger version.

Note my "desk" on the coffee table. That is our entire living room, on the other side of the couch is one small end table and then the doorway into the next room.

This is my little end table. I have my current projects scattered around it and the books and mags I'm reading on top. The drawers have some yarn in them as well as all my knitting accessories. It doesn't always look quite that messy, but most of the time haha.

Obviously the kitchen. The one good part of this place is the big counter. I took this picture in the living room looking in.

Our bedroom. It's tiny. That's a queen size bed that completely fills the room. The desk is built in so we can't do anything else with the space. Don't tell Jaime I showed you his big butt sleeping hehe.

This little hallway-ish thing has our sink and the closet which I didn't take a picture of. We had to hang those shelvey things cause there isn't nearly enough counter space. It's usually much fuller, but we packed up the non-essentials (makeup and perfume for instance).

And an idea of our bathroom. It's pretty darn small too. Behind the door, next to the toilet, is a cabinet that has the water heater in it. Meaning we can't put anything in there. We do have some magazines on top though. Oh, and the bathroom really isn't that dirty...

So there it is. Can't wait to get some pictures of the new place. We move in less than a week!!! Have a great day everyone :)


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