Sunday, March 26


My first finished (sorta) sweater. I'm very proud of it, but being the person that I am I can't help but think what I'll do differently next time. For one, the collar is too wide. Also, while I love the color, it doesn't match much of any of my clothes. Well, unless I want to look like an Easter egg, which isn't really what I'm going for. I think I did learn a lot about the construction used though. Ahh, a learning experience.

Yesterday I went got on a major cleaning streak. I think Jaime nearly passed out when he saw what all I did. He's the clean one in the relationship. That is to say, if left alone eventually I would clean up, but I don't see it as a priority really. It can always wait till x is over, ya know? Anyway, I got my stash a bit more organized and my stash corner cleaned up. Just in time for...

It's always nice to see what all you've got. I, for instance, have an entire drawer (my stash takes up 5 drawers of varying sizes not including projects already started) of a certain yarn. Any guesses??


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