Saturday, April 22

Busy Busy Busy

School has been keeping me super busy lately. Only a few weeks left, but so much more left to do. I talked to a counselor about the masters program, which of course means I need to make more decisions. I'm just so tired of thinking about what classes I should take and when I should graduate and whether I should get a few grad credits or just finish and if I can even afford a masters at all and and and... Pffff!

Aunt Vicki was in town for a few days and of course that meant lots of random fun. I think Jaime's feeling a bit ignored as I haven't been home for like three days except to sleep. He actually said he missed talking to me, so I know I've been away for a while. I haven't even been keeping up with my blogs. I'm so excited to have this weekend to do a bunch of nothing. We might even make it out for a date night, it's been way too long.

We found out Thursday that my mom is going to have another surgery, probably on May 5th. And after that the doctor wants her to do chemotherapy. It's a little scary, but I think I'm really just more worried that she won't agree to it. She's worried about how all the side effects will make her feel, which I can totally understand, but if it'll help her keep this cancer away for a little longer I think it's worth it. Hopefully with all the support from her sisters and me she'll feel strong enough to handle it.

So, knitting. Well, since I had to get Aunt Vicki's birthday socks done in time for her birthday and all, that's about all I'd been knitting. I finally got a picture of them before they were gifted away.

As far as I can tell she loved them. I know she kept mentioning that she would have to get a new pair of clogs to show them off. Nothing like a well received gift. Now that that's over with I'm back to the ruffle scarf, after tinking a bit so that I could remember the pattern which I didn't bother to write down since it was so easy. Should have known better.


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